DNA Clean Up - FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini Kit, SKU: DC301
This kit allows for bothe Gel DNA recovery and crude DNA recovery .
- One Kit for two purposes: suitable for gel DNA recovery and crude DNA product purification
- Simple and fast: just add 1 volume of gel dissolution buffer, no column balancing required, simple and fast purification in 10-15 minutes
- Efficient recovery: recovery efficiency up to 80%
- Wide range of DNA fragment recovery: compatible with 70bp-20kb DNA fragments
FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini Kit, SKU: DC301
This kit uses an optimized buffer system and silica gel column purification technology to recover 70bp-20kb DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels of various concentrations. The DNA adsorption column can specifically adsorb DNA under high salt conditions. In addition, this kit can directly purify DNA fragments from crude DNA products obtained from PCR products, enzymatic reaction systems or other methods, and remove impurities such as proteins, other organic compounds, inorganic salt ions and oligonucleotide primers. It can ensure that purification is completed within 10-15 minutes. The purified DNA can be directly used for ligation, transformation, enzyme digestion, in vitro transcription, PCR, sequencing, microinjection, etc.
Storage temperature is 15 ~ 25°C, shipped at room temperature.