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Welcome to find the right product that suits your project.

Improve your work efficiency and save your time!

Accurate and sensitive detection of genomic variants and identification genomic alterations is fundamental to understanding, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders. Our variation detection assays leverage ultra-sensitive tools like qPCR and digital PCR technologies to uncover a broad range of variations, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), mutations, insertions or deletions, gene fusions, or CNV.

DNA Extraction (Column based)

FastPure Cell/Tissue DNA Isolation Mini Kit

FastPure Blood/Cell/Tissue/Bacteria DNA Isolation Mini Kit

FastPure EndoFree Plasmid Mini/Maxi Kit

FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini Kit

FastPure  FFPE DNA Isolation Kit

RNA Extraction (Column based)

FastPure Cell/Tissue Total RNA Isolation Kit V2

MiPure Cell/Tissue miRNA Kit (Spin Column)

Reverse Transcription

HiScript IV Reverse Transcriptase

Murine RNase Inhibitor

HiScript IV RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper)

HiScript III All-in-one RT SuperMix Perfect for qPCR



Conventional PCR

Taq DNA Polymerase (Mg2+ plus Buffer)

2 × Taq Master Mix (with or without dye)


Rapid PCR

2 × Rapid Taq Master Mix


High-Fidelity PCR

Phanta Max Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase

2 × Phanta Max Master Mix with or without dye plus

2 × Phanta Flash Master Mix with or without dye plus

Fast Cloning

ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning Kit V2


Rapid Site-Directed Mutagenesis

One-step single/double/multiple point mutation kit


Traditional/TA Cloning

T4 DNA Ligase
5min Universal Ligation Mix


TOPO Cloning

Ultra-Universal TOPO Cloning Kit

5 min TA/Blunt-Zero Cloning Kit


GelRed Acid Stain

Ultra GelRed (10,000 ×)


DNA Marker

100 bp DNA Ladder

DL2000 Plus DNA Marker

DL5000 DNA Marker

DL15000 DNA Marker

SYBR based qPCR Master Mix

Taq Pro Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix


Probed based qPCR Master Mix

Taq Pro Multiple Probe qPCR Mix

AceQ Universal Probe Master Mix V2


miRNA Quantification

miRNA Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix


Clean-Up Beads

VAHTS DNA Clean Beads


NGS Library Quantification

Qubit Quantification

qPCR Library Quantification


DNA Sequencing

DNA Library Kit (Apply to Illumina platform)

VAHTS Universal DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V4

VAHTS Universal Plus DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V2


RNA Sequencing

RNA Library Kit (Apply to Illumina platform)

VAHTS Universal V8 RNA-seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina

RNA Sequencing (Apply to MGI platform)



DNA Methylation



Single-Cell Sequencing

Single-Cell Genome Sequencing

Single-Cell Transcriptome Sequencing


Cell Apoptosis Detection

Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit

Annexin V-FITC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit


Cell Proliferation Assay

CCK-8 Cell Counting Kit


Dual Luciferase Reporter Assay


Cell Transfection


Protein Quantification


Western Blot


Molecular Biology Consumables

8-Tube PCR Strips
96-Well PCR Plates
Sealing Films
Pipette Tips
Centrifuge Tubes


Cell Culture Plastics

Serological Pipettes
Cell Culture Flasks
Cell Culture Plates


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